Ministry position

I have recently been called to a position as Home Missionary at Calvary Grace Church in Calgary where  I will have some preaching, teaching and mentoring responsibilities. The church will also be supporting ministry work that the Lord has developed here in Canmore with groups that I lead and with some potential seminars etc. Calvary Grace will also be the church sending and supporting me in itinerant evangelistic speaking events as they arise, including a return to the UK this summer for a speaking/preaching trip. I will be in London from July 20-22; in Kent from July 27-29; and in Belfast  from August 3-5. There are one or two other potential dates and I will post more accurate details of each event in the next couple of months. Please pray for this ministry in the UK and for the ministry of Calvary Grace as we seek to proclaim Christ crucified and make disciples. May we remain true to the Gospel of God, the only hope for all the nations (Mal.1:11). Worship of the Lamb is the goal (Rev. 7:9-10).